Saturday, October 24, 2009


1. Post Card: 10-24-09, 4:15 pm; Rexburg, Idaho; f/4.0, 1/75s; FujiFilm finepix S1000
2. Laying Down: 10-24-09, 2:20 pm; My apt, Rexburg, Idaho; f/4.0, 1/60s; FujiFilm finepix S1000;
3. Sideways couple: 10-24-09, 4:40 pm; Rexburg, Idaho; f/4.0, 1/70s; FujiFilm finepix S1000;

1. This is my favorite. For this picture I sharpened it and then put a burned edge around it. Also, I this time I was in the lab and the tutor showed me how to do the actions and I used actions for editing all of my pictures. Actions in Photoshop make things so much easier and there are some really cool actions!
2. I took this picture after reading the first liked website on the Ilearn page and it had ten tips to take better portraits. It had some great ideas and I tried to do them and I thought that this picture/ esspecially the lighting, came out amazing. I didn't do any edits to this picture.
3. This is another of my sister and her boyfriend and I actually rotated the image. Then I warmed the colors with an action and put a burned edge on it.


  1. I like the burned edge around the first photo and the contrast in the background. I really like the natural lighting and shadows in the second picture and the angle in the third. Awesome job!

  2. Great portraits! You did really well with the lighting. I love the framing and angles that you use to compose your shots. They all turned out great!

  3. The first photo is my favorite. I like the lighting, the lines, and you did really well composing the shot into thirds. Great work!

  4. All of these look really good. The lighting and fence are way cool on the first one. The light on the picture of you is cool. It is different. I like the angle too. I really like the angle of the third shot. And all the edges look great!

  5. I love the burned border on the first one its a very nice touch to the picture. I also think the second one is interesting how you got the light through the window to act kind of like a spot light. The third one I really like I love the angle, composition and lighting. Nice job!
